Linnea Sallack, MPH, RD
Linnea Sallack is a WIC expert with several decades of experience as a public health nutritionist at the state and local levels. She had several roles in the California WIC program during a 25 year career overseeing statewide policy and operations, and she served as the program's state director for 8 years. She provided leadership during a period when California WIC doubled the number of program participants, serving over 1.5 million every month. Following her time at California WIC, she expanded her knowledge of WIC operations by serving as a center director at the Altarum Institute, a non-profit research and consulting organization. For 10 years she led a team that provided technical assistance and evaluation services for WIC programs across the country and also conducted WIC studies for the USDA. Linnea currently shares her WIC expertise with organizations that aim to connect families with young children to WIC and to make WIC's services easier for families to use.