The Propel guide to EBT in California: food stamp deposit schedule


Check out the California EBT guide for answers to your food stamp questions.

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Monthly benefit deposit schedule.#monthly-benefit-deposit-schedule

What day are benefits loaded?#what-day-are-benefits-loaded

CalFresh (food) benefits are sent out over the first 10 days of every month, based on the last digit of your case number.

Your case number should be included on most paperwork you get from your county, and is also available online at BenefitsCal if you have an account.

If your:

Case # ends inBenefits available
11st of the month
22nd of the month
33rd of the month
44th of the month
55th of the month
66th of the month
77th of the month
88th of the month
99th of the month
010th of the month

If you get CalWORKS (cash aid), then that cash EBT deposit is made to your card during the first 3 calendar days of the month.

What time are benefits loaded?#what-time-are-benefits-loaded

Analyzing data from some of the 5 million users who check their balance on the Propel App every month, we estimate about 92% of people have their benefits loaded at midnight in California.

So while most of the time you can expect benefits at midnight, if they haven't loaded on your usual day, it may be worth waiting to contact your county to see if they come in later that day.

Missed a Deposit?#missed-a-deposit

Didn't receive your benefits on the expected date? There might be an issue with your case.

Find out why by reading Why didn't I get a food stamp deposit this month?, which explains common reasons for missed deposits and what you can do about it.

This page was written based on official government sources, and has been edited for simplicity.

We work hard to ensure this information is accurate, helpful, and up-to-date. We welcome any corrections or feedback here.