Your P-EBT questions, answered (Part 1 of 2)

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If you have kids in childcare or school, you may be able to get extra money to cover food costs for your family. The Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT) program is back for 2023. Propel is here to answer your questions about P-EBT and help you make the most of your benefits.

In this first of our 2-part FAQ, we’re answering questions about school year 2022-2023 P-EBT.

What’s school year P-EBT?#whats-school-year-p-ebt

School year P-EBT is a state-run program that helps families buy food. You can get money for food when your child’s school is closed because of COVID-19, or when your child has to miss school because they’re sick with COVID-19. The money replaces the free or reduced-price meals your child would have gotten at school.

As of March 2023, 18 states have announced P-EBT programs for kids 0-6, and 9 states have announced programs for kids in grades K-12. More states will announce programs in the coming months. Download the Propel app to see if your state is participating in P-EBT this school year.

Is school year P-EBT going away now that SNAP emergency allotments have ended?#is-school-year-p-ebt-going-away-now-that-snap-emergency-allotments-have-ended

No. School year P-EBT will continue at least until May 2023, and possibly longer. You can keep track of whether your state is participating in school year P-EBT and when payments are coming in the Propel app.

Does my child qualify for P-EBT?#does-my-child-qualify-for-p-ebt

Your child is eligible if:

  • They’re in childcare (ages 0-6) or in grades K-12
  • They get free or reduced lunch at school

Your child can get P-EBT during the school year if they miss school because of COVID-19. Make sure their school marks their absence as related to COVID-19. They’ll also get P-EBT if their school closes because of COVID-19.

How do I get school year P-EBT?#how-do-i-get-school-year-p-ebt

If your child is eligible and your state is participating in school year P-EBT, you should get payments automatically. You’ll get money for each day that your child misses school due to COVID-19. Your child will need to apply for P-EBT if they are homeschooled or do virtual learning.

Call your state’s P-EBT hotline if you have questions.

How much money will I get?#how-much-money-will-i-get

You’ll get benefits for the time that your child misses school due to COVID-19. Children ages 0-6 in childcare will get a standard monthly amount. Children in grades K-12 will get an amount per school day missed, depending on where they live.

K-12 P-EBT payments

LocationAmount per school day missed
Lower 48 states$8.18
Hawaii, Guam, Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico$9.45

When will I get school year P-EBT benefits?#when-will-i-get-school-year-p-ebt-benefits

The timing of P-EBT payments varies by state. Your state may do one payment for the entire school year, two payments, or payments every month. Download the Propel app to track your state’s P-EBT program and payment dates.

Where will I get my P-EBT benefits?#where-will-i-get-my-p-ebt-benefits

States send P-EBT payments in different ways.

  • If you get food stamps, your child’s P-EBT benefits can be loaded right onto your EBT card
  • If your child got a P-EBT card in the past, their school year P-EBT benefits can be loaded onto that card
  • You may also get a new P-EBT card in the mail

If you have questions about how you’ll get your benefits, call your state’s P-EBT hotline.

How can I keep track of my P-EBT card balance?#how-can-i-keep-track-of-my-p-ebt-card-balance

If your child’s P-EBT benefits come on a card, you can add that card to your Propel account to keep track of your balance. If you don’t have Propel yet, download the app to start tracking your EBT and P-EBT balances.

What can I buy with my P-EBT benefits?#what-can-i-buy-with-my-p-ebt-benefits

You can use your P-EBT to buy the same kinds of food items that you buy with food stamps. Any store that takes EBT also accepts P-EBT. Use the Propel app to find grocery stores near you that accept EBT, or to see online grocery options.

There’s a problem with my P-EBT benefits or card. What can I do?#theres-a-problem-with-my-p-ebt-benefits-or-card-what-can-i-do

Contact your state’s P-EBT hotline for help with your P-EBT benefits or card. Find your state’s P-EBT hotline.

Download the Propel app for the latest updates on P-EBT and other benefit programs in your state.